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Same-Day Dentistry

in Bryanston, Johannesburg

Stellar crowns, inlays, onlays, overlays and veneers in just one visit!

A formidable fusion of modern technology and a holistic approach to patient care means you get exceptional dental services from our friendly dental professionals.

See what we have to offer in our same-day dentistry armamentarium utilising chairside milling methods.

What is same-day dentistry?

Thanks to our in-house CNC milling unit and laboratory-grade CAD/CAM software, we can create and place dental prosthetics — like crowns, inlays, onlays, overlays, implant crowns and veneers — in just one visit. Traditionally, this process required multiple visits to the dentist, with the dental prosthesis being created in a lab and then sent back to the dentist's office for placement. With same-day dentistry, you can leave our practice with a fully-restored, radiant smile in a single visit.

Why is same-day dentistry better?

Saves you time:

No more multiple appointments or waiting days or weeks for your restoration to be created in a lab. With same-day dentistry, you can have your dental prosthesis created and placed in a single visit, reducing the time and trouble of the process.

More comfortable, faster, and cheaper:

Instead of messy trays of goo and invasive devices in your mouth that make you gag, digital scanning makes the process of getting an impression of your teeth more comfortable, faster, and also cheaper.

Precision and accuracy:

Fully digital workflows allow us to go from scanning a prepared tooth to designing your dental prosthesis within a matter of minutes. We can create a digital model of the area where your new tooth is to be placed and use that to create a perfectly fitting restoration without the need to take impressions or cast models. This ensures a comfortable, natural-looking restoration that blends seamlessly with your surrounding teeth.

Fewer complications:

Besides being faster, digital records are more accurate than traditional impressions, enabling us to create beautiful ceramic restorations that fit perfectly every time!

What happens in the dentist's chair?

The same-day dentistry process typically involves the following:

  • Consultation: Your dentist will check your oral health and determine if you're a good candidate for same-day dentistry. This may include a dental exam, X-rays, and other tests.
  • Preparation and digital impressions: Using digital scanning technology, we'll create a 3D image of your prepared tooth or teeth that need to be restored.
  • Restoration design:Your dentist will use the 3D image to design your restoration, ensuring a precise fit and natural look.
  • Milling: The restoration will be created using CNC milling technology, allowing for a perfect replica of the digitally designed restoration.
  • Placement: Once your restoration is complete, it will be placed in your mouth and adjusted as needed for comfort and fit.

What are milled restorations made of?

Dental Ceramics: Dental ceramics are popular materials for milled restorations due to their excellent aesthetics, biocompatibility and strength. The most popular of the dental ceramics is lithium disilicate (e.g., eMax), boasting compressive and flexural strengths of 350-500 megapascals (MPa).

Zirconia: Zirconia is a strong and biocompatible material often used for milled restorations, especially in cases where high strength is required, such as for posterior crowns or implant-supported restorations. Zirconia restorations offer excellent mechanical properties with compressive and flexural strengths varying between 800 and 1200 MPa.

Composite Resins: Composite resin materials can also be milled to create restorations, such as inlays, onlays, and veneers. Composite resin restorations provide good aesthetics and moderate strength and can be custom shaded to match the natural colour of the patient's teeth. The compressive strengths of these materials vary between 200 to 400 MPa, with flexural strengths varying between 80 and 150 MPa.

Hybrid Resin/Ceramic Restorations: Hybrid resin/ceramic restorations are an innovative option combining the desirable characteristics of resin and ceramic materials. These restorations offer a unique blend of strength, durability, and aesthetics, making them an excellent choice for a variety of dental applications. Compressive strength varies from 300 to 500 MPa, and flexural strength between 100 and 200 MPa.

What is a Megapascal, and can I eat it?

You can't eat it, but you can eat WITH it!

Megapascals are a measure of how much force or pressure a material can withstand without breaking or deforming. The higher the value in megapascals, the stronger and more resistant the material is to external forces.

Think of it like this: 1 megapascal is equal to the pressure exerted by a weight of about 100 kilograms on an area of 1 square centimetre (about the size of a small coin). If a material has a compressive strength of 350 megapascals, it means it can withstand the pressure equivalent to a weight of 35,000 kilograms in that same area.

In layman's terms: It's strong!

Why choose By Design for same-day dentistry?

At our practice, we pride ourselves on providing the best possible dental care for you and your family with the latest technology and equipment. Our same-day dentistry services use CNC milling technology to create precise, durable, and natural-looking restorations in just one visit.

Additionally, our holistic approach to patient care means that we take into account your comfort, peace of mind, and your overall health and well-being, not just your dental needs.

Our highly-trained dental professionals will collaborate with you to create a customised treatment plan that suits your specific needs and aspirations. Schedule an appointment with us today.