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Dental Implants

in Bryanston, Johannesburg

"Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back"!

Everyone deserves a full, beautiful smile to share with the world. If you're missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be the solution you've been looking for. Dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking solution that can restore your smile and improve your quality of life.

At By Design, we'll help you get your winning smile back with the latest in dental tech through minimally invasive, guided dentistry. Eat and speak efficiently again, smile confidently, and look more youthful with a perfectly-fitted dental implant.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium or zirconium that are surgically placed into the jawbone. Once the implant is in place and has fully integrated, a dental crown or bridge is attached to it, creating a natural-looking tooth replacement that looks, functions and feels like your natural teeth.

An implant is made of three parts: the screw that's placed into your jawbone, the crown (false tooth), and an abutment, which is a connecting element between the screw and crown.

Implants can also be used as support for fixed or removable dentures, thereby increasing the retention of your dentures and reducing the surface area that needs to be covered by them.

How can dental implants help me?

Dental implants replace missing teeth without affecting the health of neighbouring teeth. They're permanent, durable, and easy to maintain. Unlike some other tooth replacement options, with dental implants, you can eat and speak normally without worrying about your teeth slipping or shifting.

They can also help prevent bone loss in the jaw and keep the surrounding teeth from shifting their position with time. We often refer to teeth as social creatures. When they do not have a neighbouring friend, they tend to go looking for one, often leading to over-erupted teeth opposing the area where a tooth is missing or tipped teeth adjacent to the area where a tooth is missing. This can have a detrimental effect on your overall dental health as it can impact the stability of your bite and cause teeth to smash into one another leading to widespread dental destruction and potentially causing damage to the jaw joint.

Digitally Guided Implant Placement: Revolutionising precision and predictability

At By Design, we love technology and innovation and are proud to offer this advanced technology to all our patients, providing them with precise and predictable implant placement for optimal outcomes.

What is Digitally Guided Implant Placement?

Digitally guided implant placement is a state-of-the-art technique that utilises advanced imaging technology, computer-aided design (CAD), and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) processes or 3D printing to plan and execute implant surgeries with unparalleled accuracy. This innovative approach enhances the precision, efficiency, and overall success of dental implant procedures.

How Does Digitally Guided Implant Placement Work?

The process begins with acquiring a high-resolution cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan of the patient's jaw. This three-dimensional scan provides detailed information about the jawbone, adjacent teeth, and vital structures, allowing for comprehensive treatment planning.

In addition to the CBCT scan, we also utilise the benefits of intraoral scanning to further enhance the accuracy and precision of digitally guided implant placement. Intraoral scanning involves using a handheld digital scanner to capture detailed 3D images of the patient's teeth and gums.

These intraoral scans are then merged with the CBCT images, creating a comprehensive digital model of the patient's mouth. This integration allows for a more complete understanding of the patient's oral structures and aids in the precise planning of implant placement.

Calibration is performed to ensure seamless integration between the intraoral scan and the CBCT images. This calibration process aligns the two digital datasets, enabling an accurate correlation of the intraoral and CBCT scans. The calibration step is crucial in achieving precise implant planning and accurate placement during the surgical procedure.

Using specialised software, our skilled dental professionals digitally plan the implant placement based on the patient's unique anatomy and restorative goals. In addition, the software generates a virtual surgical guide, which serves as a precise template for implant positioning.

The virtual surgical guide is then 3D printed or milled using CAM techniques, creating a physical guide that precisely fits over the patient's teeth and gums during the implant surgery. This guide ensures optimal implant placement by guiding the surgical instruments according to the pre-planned position, angle, and depth.

During the surgery, our experienced dental team follows the guide, ensuring accurate and predictable implant placement. The result is a minimally invasive and more efficient procedure with reduced risks and improved long-term success rates.

Benefits of Digitally Guided Implant Placement

Enhanced Accuracy: Digitally guided implant placement offers a much higher level of accuracy compared to traditional techniques. The precise planning and guidance provided by digital technology minimise the risk of errors and ensure optimal implant positioning.

Predictable Outcomes: The surgical process becomes more predictable with digitally guided implant placement. The ability to virtually plan the implant placement and transfer that plan to the surgical guide allows for consistent and reproducible results.

Minimised Risks: By precisely determining the optimal implant position and avoiding vital structures, digitally guided implant placement reduces the risk of complications and minimises the potential for damage to surrounding tissues.

Improved Efficiency: The use of digital technology streamlines the treatment process. Precise pre-operative planning and the availability of surgical guides enable faster and more efficient surgeries, resulting in reduced chair time for patients.

Patient Comfort: Digitally guided implant placement provides a more comfortable experience for patients. The precise planning and guided surgery minimise trauma to the surgical site, leading to reduced post-operative discomfort and a smoother recovery.

What's the dental implant procedure like?

The dental implant procedure typically involves four steps:

1. Consultation:

Your dentist will evaluate your oral health and determine if you're a good candidate for dental implants. This may include a dental exam, X-rays, and other tests.

2. Planning:

At By Design, we love technology and innovation! As such, all of our implants are digitally guided. We will plan the exact placement of your implant before the day of your procedure and have your unique surgical guide ready to guide our experienced hands when the time comes.

3. Implant placement:

During the implant placement procedure, your dentist will surgically place the implant into the jawbone. This is done under local anaesthetic, and we offer sedation services for extensive cases or patients anxious about their procedure.

3. Restoration:

After the implant has fused with the jawbone (which can take several months), a dental crown or bridge will be attached to the implant, completing the tooth replacement.

Is getting dental implants painful?

The dental implant procedure isn't typically painful, thanks to local anaesthesia and sedation. You might, however, experience some discomfort and swelling after the procedure. We'll give you instructions for managing discomfort and prescribe pain medication if necessary.

The discomfort associated with implant placement is often compared to having a tooth taken out; however, in our experience, most patients experience less discomfort than when their tooth was initially removed.

How do I care for dental implants?

Caring for dental implants is almost the same as caring for natural teeth. You should brush twice a day, floss daily, use interdental toothbrushes, and visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. With proper care, dental implants can last decades.

It is important to note that implants are more susceptible to infection than natural teeth. This is because the implant has no immune-defence mechanism as natural teeth do. The soft tissue seal between an implant and gum tissue is also less pronounced than that of a natural tooth and gum tissue. Therefore, bacteria can more readily spread beneath the gum tissue surrounding an implant.

All this means is that you should take special care to clean around your implant daily as instructed by our dedicated team of oral healthcare professionals.

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

Most people who are missing one or more teeth are good candidates for dental implants. However, there are some factors that may affect your eligibility, like the condition of your jawbone, your overall health, and if you have a condition that affects bone healing. Our skilled dentists will evaluate your oral health and let you know if dental implants are right for you.

Partner with Us for Exceptional Implant Dentistry

At By Design, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest standard of implant dentistry. By incorporating digitally-guided implant placement into our practice, we ensure precise and predictable results for optimal patient satisfaction.

If you are considering dental implants or want to learn more about our digitally guided implant placement procedures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced team. Together, we can discuss how our cutting-edge technologies can help you achieve a beautiful and functional smile.

Contact us today to begin your journey to a confident and healthy dental future.